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Spanish Black Angus Beef Pastrami Ham 250g (Frozen)

Pastrami, oh la la! It's a true culinary masterpiece that brings together the best of Eastern European and American cultures. Now, get ready for some sandwich magic! Grab your bread, stack that Pastrami high, and let it mingle with gooey cheese, crisp lettuce, zesty mustard, and any other toppings your heart desires. It's a flavor explosion that will have your taste buds doing a happy dance!
But wait, there's more! Pastrami isn't just for sandwiches. Slap it on a burger, tuck it into a bagel, or get creative with your culinary inventions. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination.
So, go ahead and indulge in the delightful world of Pastrami. It's a food adventure that'll leave you craving for more. Trust me, once you take a bite, you'll be saying, "Pastrami, where have you been all my life?" Bon appétit!

西班牙安格斯黑椒牛肉火腿片 250克 (急凍)
Spanish Black Angus Beef Pastrami Ham 250g (Frozen)
#NPG #Nature's Parlour Gourmet #600123112020 #冷盤 #煙肉

Size 250g


Hong Kong


Out of stock. The quantity selected is not currently available.
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