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Concept Pa

As the result of an effort of 20 years' worth of research, Concept Pa offers the next step in the evolution of a basic food staple in all culinary cultures. Thanks to the fusion of advanced technology and the most artisanal processes they have managed to produce a type of bread with a very special character: Crystal Bread and Diamond Crystal Bread.

The definition of Crystal Bread comes from the extraordinary crunchy texture of its crust and the lightness of its crumb, which is almost nonexistent and makes it an almost totally translucent product precooked and frozen at -19℃. It requires only between 5-8 minutes to prepare, bake, and serve on the table, depending on the temperature used.

Tasting note: thin crust with a low-density texture. Its main features of differentiation reside in the fact that the bread is very lightweight. Its neutral taste optimizes the flavors of good olive oil or a good tomato. Crystal bread is the best choice of support for ham, deli, cheese, pasta, and anchovies.

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