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Sarriegui Potato Crisps are exclusively made traditionally and virgin olive oil and potatoes are the sole ingredients. They make crisps that are preservative-free and gluten-free.

At Sarriegui Ltd our special blend of frying oils is carefully selected out of the more than 50 varieties of olive oils that can be found, and the oil chosen always meets the following criteria: the most intense fruity taste, the lowest content of linoleic acid (>1°) and the largest percentage of monounsaturated fats (which help to reduce bad cholesterol). Thanks to these criteria and the cold-press process, the resulting virgin olive oil is highly digestible; in addition, to maintain these properties, their olive oil is never reheated and is continuously replaced by fresh oil...That's why The delicious potato crisps always have that unbeatable taste that has made them so famous!

Sarriegui potato crisps are made from the best frying varieties of potatoes. They only choose regular-shaped, eyeless potatoes and reject the greenish ones; those they select are resistant to diseases and don't measure less than 2 inches long. In addition, to avoid having discoloured and bitter-tasting crisps, the presence and amount of reducing sugars are constantly verified (less than 0.3% of total fresh weight).