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Ramon Pena

In 1920, Mr. Jose Pena Oubina established a mall fish and shellfish canning factory in Cambados. In a few years, he made it one of Galicia's most important factories. Its philosophy of commitment to quality was the key to success. And we continue being loyal to this philosophy after three generations. Loyalty in the choice and analysis of the best fish and shellfish, in the selection of the most skilled experts, loyalty in the choice of only the best of the raw materials and ingredients, in the greatest care of the traditional craft production, and loyalty to our exclusive and original recipes. More than 90 years of being loyal to a style, a tradition and a commitment to quality.

A Commitment to reach the highest quality and the most advanced technology must be available. That is the reason why in 1998 they built our current factory and we provided it with the most advanced technology and production facilities. Ramon Pena makes a daily effort to take care of and improve all the production details finding the best raw materials. To achieve this, they count on the best purchasers and sailors, experts in the best fishing grounds and ports where one can find the most delicious sardines, the tastiest squids or superb razor shells. That is why their products have limited production because we all know that good things can only be found in small quantities.

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