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ROIA works exclusively with 100% organic products. They minimize consumption and generate renewable energy using photovoltaic solar panels. In ROIA, they produce as much grain to feed their calves. The grain respects the natural cycles of crops, avoiding ecosystem degradation and pollution while protecting the environment promotes soil sustainability and biodiversity.

The Uniqueness of organic veal is ROIA puts focus on end users with the guarantee to own high quality, healthiness, not having unnatural or genetically modified components, and a production process that rigorously respects animal welfare and the environment.

ROIA encompasses all phases of production of veal from mothers through the bait, slaughterhouse and cutting plant. By controlling the entire cycle of their products, they always know the status of the calves during selection, breeding and fattening as well as the circumstances in which it was carried out the slaughter and further processing of the veal until transformation into the end product.

ROIA is concerned with providing regular and permanent veal products with the highest quality and food security requires taking care of all aspects. In the same way, ROIA pays close attention to the calves, as well as their facilities that have been equipped with the latest technology to ensure maximum efficiency.

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