Batallé’s objectives are to supply consumers with high-quality products, to guarantee their traceability, and to contribute to the social, economic and environmental improvement of the environment, today and for future generations.
Batallé’s mission is to provide society with meat products of high nutritional value, forming part of a balanced, healthy and sustainable diet.
Quality, on principle
• Batallé’s main goal is to ensure the utmost quality and complete reliability in all its products. his is achieved through the professionalism of our team, and a genetic enhancement program designed to turn out homogeneous, high-quality meat products.
• Comprehensive sanitary and hygienic verifications are carried out in all phases of the production cycle, and the company holds ISO and traceability certificates in order to ensure security throughout the process, from the farm to the consumer’s home.
Animal Welfare
• Batallé strives for the pigs at its farms to be raised in a setting that meets all their physical, dietary and health requirements. Good facilities favour the animals’ welfare, as do diets tailored to their age, high sanitary standards, and proper treatment of the animals by well-trained staff.
• The company’s animal welfare programs meet and often exceed the requirements established by law.
• In fact, Batalle's Sanglas Farm received the Porc d’Or (Golden Pig) Diamond Award for the best Spanish farm. This site constitutes a landmark facility in the pig sector for its production, profitability, environmental respect, animal welfare, staff, and high levels of technology and sanitary standards.
Environmental sustainability and environmental protection
• Genetic improvements and the implementation of certain feeding strategies make it possible to produce pigs having a much smaller carbon footprint than that from 25 years ago. A pig today needs almost 30% less feed to reach the same live weight.
• Batallé periodically performs energy efficiency studies in order to reduce energy consumption. It also promotes the use of alternative energies, such as biomass and solar energy.
• Environmental protection and conservation are present in Batallé’s daily activities. A priority is to reduce the company’s environmental impact by adjusting pigs’ diets, optimising water consumption, proper waste management, and promoting a culture of recycling.
Social commitment
• Batallé is committed to the promotion of a balanced and healthy human diet. Various R&D projects are being carried out whose objective is to boost the nutritional quality of the meat we produce. An example is our collaboration with scientists at the University of Lleida to obtain meat featuring a healthier fat.
• In order to avert microbial resistance and its impact on human health, Batallé is involved in various initiatives to reduce the use of antibiotics in swine production.
• Batallé also offers opportunities for job training to many young vocational and university students. Each year new slots are offered for students to acquire vocational training.
• Batallé collaborates on an on-going basis with various entities whose main aim is the protection of children and support to vulnerable and socially excluded families.